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<p>After <strong>Sewon Shin</strong> reformed the <strong>Hanol-gyo</strong> foundation, he <strong>resigned</strong> from all of his duties and returned to his art in order <strong>to introduce</strong> a new form of art called <strong>Trans-art</strong>.</p>
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<p><strong>Trans-Art</strong> is '<strong>art</strong>' that transcends the conventional form of art: the <strong>Trans-artist </strong>attempts to express the <strong>'enlightenment and awakening'</strong>, which is beyond <strong>'form'</strong>, by using the <strong>multi-dimensional expression method</strong> that he acquired from his own experience of the 'enlightening and awakening' process.</p>
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<div class="past_s6_1"><img alt="Slide 1" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img105_1.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 2" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img105_2.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 3" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img105_3.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 4" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img105_4.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 5" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img105_5.jpg" /></div>
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<p><span style="font-size: 18px;"><strong>Trans-Art part 1: Multi-dimensional artworks [Optical Awakening]</strong></span></p>
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<p>The artist shows the dynamic process of the transformation in the creation of art with multi-dimensional perspectives that he acquired from his spiritual experience.</p>
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<p>After the unexpected passing of his father, he experienced absolute despair. The inability to extricate himself from an inescapable quagmire of his religious destiny forced him to suffer a serious mental breakdown, leading him to commit suicide which seemed to be the only choice and inevitable to him then. However, at the critical moment of self-extinction, he experienced 'Gyun-Sung: a glimpse of enlightening and the following <strong>determination of unconditional surrender to the suchness of Life</strong>', which was the beginning of the irreversible process of the ‘<strong>gradual awakening in his consciousness</strong>’.</p>
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<p>In <strong>Trans-Art part 1</strong>, he is expressing the process of <strong>'Ego dis-identification' </strong>that he acquired from his suicidal experience, which resulted in a separation of the '<strong>Ego-mind</strong> (involuntarily accumulated mental synapse and construct of mind-structure)' and '<strong>Consciousness</strong> (True-Nature)', causing the initiation of a gradual awakening in his consciousness.</p>
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<p>From the enlightening experiences, he came to realize that <strong>Art</strong> and <strong>Spirituality</strong> share one and the same nature, of showing the doorway into another dimension of consciousness where our true essence beyond '<strong>form</strong>' is indwelling.</p>
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<p>He is expressing a glimpse of <strong>'enlightenment and awakening'</strong> which is <strong>'beyond form'</strong> by using the <strong>'form of Trans-art'</strong>.</p>
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<p><strong>The Part 1-1 [Optical Awakening series]</strong> can be perceived or experienced as the <strong>Preview of the Ego dis-identification</strong> which entails the separation of <strong>Mind</strong> (Ego) <strong>& Consciousness</strong> (True Nature) based on the artist’s own experience.</p>
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<p>The Trans-artist shows the consecutive phases of the <strong>‘Enlightenment and Awakening’</strong> process which consists of: 'Awakening Dimensions', ‘Initiation of Awakening’, ‘Awakening True-Nature’, ‘Flash of Enlightening’, ‘Trans-Perceiving Ego’, ‘Dark-side of Ego’, ‘Trans-Quantum Physics of Mind’, ‘Trans-Perceiving Mental-Synapse’, ‘Self-Liberation’, ‘Breaking Free’, ‘Quest for Immortality’, and ‘Trans-Perception’.</p>
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<p>It can be considered as an <strong>indirect experience of ‘Spiritual Transcendence’</strong> by the <strong>‘Visualization of Enlightenment and Awakening’ </strong>in the form of art.</p>
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<p><strong>The Part 1-2 [Optical Enlightening series]</strong> is the <strong>elaboration of 'Enlightening Art' </strong>(the first spiritual artwork the artist introduced as a leader of the Hanol foundation) in a fine Art form. By using the <strong>multi-dimensional expression method</strong>, the artist shows the different dimensional expression in the creation of art.</p>
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<p><strong>In the Part 1-3 [Universal Awakening series]</strong>, by using the <strong>multi-dimensional </strong>method of expression, the artist reveals the revolutionary insight on the undisclosed nature of the Universe – Gravity of time and space, the mutual co-existence of 'Blackhole' and 'Whitehole', the essence of creational evolution, the infinite and eternal nature of the present, what was before and after the Big Bang and the beginning and end of the Universe as well as the quintessence transcendental-quantum physics.</p>
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<p><strong>In part 2</strong>, he integrates '<strong>Taste</strong> into <strong>Art</strong>' and <strong>in part 3</strong>, he combines '<strong>technology</strong> with <strong>Art</strong>' in order to express '<strong>the beauty</strong> of <strong>enlightenment and awakening</strong>', which is <strong>beyond 'Form'</strong>, by using <strong>'Form of Trans-Art'</strong>. <sup>1)</sup></p>
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<p>The <strong>Trans-Artist</strong>'s spiritual art provided a basis for the 1st and 2nd reformation of the Korean traditional religion <strong>Hanol-gyo</strong>. His art played a major role in the development of <strong>Hanol-gyo</strong>, transforming from a conventional religious system to a more liberal and decentralized structure of spirituality. <sup>2)</sup></p>
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<p>Furthermore, <strong>Trans-Art part 1</strong> served as a driving force behind the <strong>Hanol spiritual and cultural movement of Art</strong>’, a new way of participating in Hanol philosophy and its spiritual teachings without religious obligation. <strong>The Hanol spiritual movement of art</strong>- the integration of art and spirituality, can be considered as a revolutionary approach to religious innovation and spiritual development in the face of an intellectual and spiritual singularity. <sup>2)</sup></p>
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<div class="past_s6_2"><img alt="Slide 1" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img106_1.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 2" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img106_2.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 3" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img106_3.jpg" /> <img alt="Slide 4" src="http://www.transart.co/images/sub/past_img106_4.jpg" /></div>
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<p>∙ <a href="http://news.jtbc.joins.com/article/article.aspx?news_id=NB11350452" target="_blank">Tasting the Art? : the Grand Exhibition begins on 7th 2016.11.07 [JTBC News]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20161108102524195" target="_blank">Do you know Tasting-Art? Trans-Artist’s Tasting Art exhibition 2016.11.08 [Daily Dong A]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2016/11/08/0200000000AKR20161108064500848.HTML" target="_blank">Experiencing the ‘Trans-Art of Tasting’ by the Trans-Artist 2016.11.08 [Yeon Hap News]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://sbscnbc.sbs.co.kr/read.jsp?pmArticleId=10000831524" target="_blank">Transcending the Form: Art of Tasting 2016.11.07 [SBS CNBC]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=018&aid=0003669579" target="_blank">On 7th, Encounter Tasting Art Exhibition by the Trans-Artist 2016.11.07 [E Daily]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=016&aid=0001149031" target="_blank">Quantum Leap of Art through Tasting Art 2016.11.08 [Herald Economy]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20161108103104401" target="_blank">The Trans-Artist shows Tasting-Art on 7th 2016.11.08 [Daily Seoul]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=029&aid=0002370646" target="_blank">The Trans-Artist, Experiencing the Art by Tasting the Art 2016.11.07 [Digital Times]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://news.hankyung.com/article/201611077418a?nv=o" target="_blank">Eating the Art? Tasting Art Exhibition 2016.11.07 [Korean Economy]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20161107132716198" target="_blank">Michelin 3 star class Art, the Tasting Art exhibition 2016.11.07 [NEWS 1]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20161108104017769" target="_blank">Transcending Form and Convention, the Trans-Art, the Tasting-Art 2016.11.08 「Kuki News」</a></p>
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<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20170805085410057" target="_blank">Revolutionary Integration of Art and Spirituality, Optical Awakening attracts attention as an evolution of religious art 2017.08.05 [Kyunghyang daily]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://news.hankyung.com/article/201708046387a" target="_blank">Art expressing religious principle, Optical Awakening presents the essence of the truth through art 2017.08.06 [The Korea Economic Daily]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20170804105503633" target="_blank">New Religious Paradigm initiated by Art in Korea: Hanol Spiritual Movement of Art 2017. 08. 04 [SBS CNBC]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20170807140627016" target="_blank">A Quantum Leap in the religious sector by the integration of Art and Spirituality 2017. 08. 07 [Hankyung (Korean Economy) TV]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20170806090009396" target="_blank">Introducing Spiritual Evolution, Optical Awakening, reinterpretation of The Gates of Hell, an incomplete masterpiece by Rodin 2017.08.06 [News 1]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://v.media.daum.net/v/20170804131005834" target="_blank">Optical Awakening, a new spiritual culture stemming from the new form of spiritual art. 2017.08.04 [Kuki News]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://www.ekn.kr/news/article.html?no=304399" target="_blank">Optical Awakening, New Spiritual Innovation, Religious Revolution by Trans-Art Trans-Art as a driving force of Religious evolution 2017.08.04</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://www.dailygrid.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=56643" target="_blank">A New paradigm in Religious culture, Hanol Spiritual and Cultural Movement of Art- Optical Awakening, Religious Innovation and Spiritual Evolution led by Art in Korea 2017.08.05 [Daily Grid]</a></p>
<p>∙ <a href="http://www.kns.tv/news/articleView.html?idxno=338008" target="_blank">“Awakening by Art” - a new possibility of spiritual culture in the face of Intellectual Singularity 2017.08.05 [KNS News] </a></p>