The Part 3-1 the project Mobile Trinity starts with Seoul, Korea.
The Art is mobile: it can be removed and displayed in anywhere; in Part 1, the Universal Trinity can be displayed in any part of Seoul on any occasion.
The subtitle of Universal Trinity and the character of the lights changes according to the change in agenda and location of the Art; each shape and colors of the Universal Trinity Lights symbolizes different values and qualities.
Part 3-1 can be considered as a demonstration of how the mobile art will appear to be when it is integrated with the smart phone application technology and actually practiced by collective participants.
It will be elaborated into Phase 2 and 3: "The Era of Trans-Renaissance : Transcending Dystopia"
+ The title of Universal Trinity and the location changes according to the change in the special agenda that represents the art ; each shape and color of the Universal Trinity Lights symbolizes different values and qualities.