Opus Chic Tao Rock attempts to express the 'Taste of Life, Way of Life and Art of Life' by using the multi-dimensional expressionism technique. It will be elaborated into Trans-Art Part 2 Tasting-Art ‘Taste my Art – Just Once in a Lifetime’.
According to Korean and Chinese Characters,
식喰 Chic symbolizes the act of Tasting,
도道 Tao symbolizes the way of life, and
락樂 Rock symbolizes bliss of life.
Taste encompasses transcendental experiences that are much more than what can be experienced with only the tongue. There are tastes of seasons, of regions, of cultures, of history, of soul, of father, of mother, of love, of memory, of sadness, of longing, of childhood, of warmth, of irreversibility and of immutability, and much more...
The Works of Opus 식喰 Chic 도道 Tao 락樂 Rock attempts to express various aspects of taste in order to find the original meaning of “식喰 Chic 도道 Tao 락樂 Rock”: the way of life, to true bliss and joy, through taste.
The Opus Chic Tao Rock, the expression of the 'Taste of Life, Way of Life and Art of Life', was elaborated into Trans-Art Part 2 Tasting-Art ‘The Cho’ (subtitle: ‘Taste my Art – Just Once in a Lifetime)”.